Schema Information
This topic provides a structured reference to assist you in working with Daton's Upscribe v2 connector and the associated fields and tables.
The following is the list of tables or APIs associated with the Upscribe v2 connector:
Upscribe Data
Purpose: Returns the collections information associated with the Upscribe account and your domain.
Field Name | Data Type |
body_html | STRING |
created_at | DATETIME |
handle | STRING |
id | NUMERIC |
sort_order | STRING |
store_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
updated_at | DATETIME |
Purpose: Gets all the customer information and cards associated with the upscribe account and your domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Customers API
Field Name | Data Type |
accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN |
active_subscription_count | NUMERIC |
addresses | RECORD |
created_at | DATETIME |
customer_tags | STRING |
default_address | RECORD |
email_marketing_consent | RECORD |
first_name | STRING |
id | NUMERIC |
inactive_subscription_count | NUMERIC |
language | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
state | STRING |
store_id | NUMERIC |
tax_exempt | BOOLEAN |
updated_at | DATETIME |
Purpose: Returns the list of order information associated with the Upscribe account and your given domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Orders API
Field Name | Data Type |
billing_address | RECORD |
buyer_accepts_marketing | BOOLEAN |
contact_email | STRING |
create_subscription | BOOLEAN |
created_at | DATETIME |
customer | RECORD |
financial_status | STRING |
guest_checkout | BOOLEAN |
id | NUMERIC |
line_items | RECORD |
name | STRING |
number | NUMERIC |
order_number | NUMERIC |
payment_charge_id | STRING |
payment_customer_id | NUMERIC |
payment_method | RECORD |
payment_method_id | STRING |
payment_type | STRING |
presentment_currency | STRING |
processed_at | DATETIME |
shipping_address | RECORD |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
shopify_customer_id | NUMERIC |
store_id | NUMERIC |
subscription_in_progress | BOOLEAN |
subtotal_price | NUMERIC |
tags | STRING |
taxes_included | BOOLEAN |
token | STRING |
total_discounts | NUMERIC |
total_line_items_price | NUMERIC |
total_price | NUMERIC |
total_shipping_price_set | RECORD |
total_tax | NUMERIC |
tracking_codes | RECORD |
updated_at | DATETIME |
Purpose: Returns all the refunds associated with the upscribe account and your domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Refunds API
Field Name | Data Type |
amount | NUMERIC |
created_at | DATETIME |
currency | STRING |
id | STRING |
payment_charge_id | STRING |
shopify_order_id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
store_id | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
updated_at | DATETIME |
Purpose: Returns all the List of product information associated with the upscribe account and your given domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Products API
Field Name | Data Type |
body_html | STRING |
collections | RECORD |
created_at | DATETIME |
handle | STRING |
id | NUMERIC |
image | RECORD |
images | RECORD |
in_sales_channel | BOOLEAN |
is_subscription | BOOLEAN |
metafields | RECORD |
options | RECORD |
store_id | NUMERIC |
template_suffix | STRING |
title | STRING |
updated_at | DATETIME |
variants | RECORD |
vendor | STRING |
Purpose: Returns all the subscriptions associated with the upscribe account and your domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Subscription API
Field Name | Data Type |
active | BOOLEAN |
billing_address | RECORD |
cancellation_comment | STRING |
cancellation_reminder_sent | BOOLEAN |
cancelled_on | DATETIME |
charge_limit | NUMERIC |
coupon_discount | NUMERIC |
coupon_discount_title | STRING |
created_at | DATETIME |
id | NUMERIC |
interval | NUMERIC |
items | RECORD |
name | STRING |
needs_recalculate | BOOLEAN |
order_count | NUMERIC |
order_ids | STRING |
payment_customer_id | STRING |
payment_method_id | STRING |
payment_type | STRING |
period | STRING |
product_linked_discount | NUMERIC |
requires_customer_update | BOOLEAN |
requires_update | BOOLEAN |
shipping_address | RECORD |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
shopify_customer_email | STRING |
shopify_customer_id | NUMERIC |
shopify_order_id | NUMERIC |
store_id | NUMERIC |
taxes_included | BOOLEAN |
total_line_items_price | NUMERIC |
total_price | NUMERIC |
total_tax | NUMERIC |
tracking_codes | RECORD |
updated_at | DATETIME |
Purpose: Returns all the history reports of subscriptions associated with the upscribe account and your domain.
Source API Documentation: Upscribe V2- Subscription Report API
Field Name | Data Type |
admin_email | STRING |
admin_id | STRING |
created_at | DATETIME |
id | STRING |
is_admin | STRING |
item_id | STRING |
new_value | STRING |
old_value | STRING |
product_title | STRING |
queue_id | STRING |
requested_by_ip | STRING |
subscription_id | STRING |
variant_title | STRING |
shopify_customer_email | STRING |
description | STRING |
shopify_customer_id | STRING |
reason | STRING |
Last updated