Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads
Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads ETL connector for data replication
Features | Details |
Release Status | Released |
Source API Version | V2 |
Table Selection | Yes |
Column Selection | Yes |
Edit Integration | Yes |
Replication Type Selection | No |
Authentication Parameters | Seller Login Id and Password |
Replication Type | Full Replication Key Based Incremental |
Replication Key | Date |
Suggested Replication Frequency | 24 hours |
Supports attribution | Yes |
Tables/APIs Supported
Profile | Portfolio |
Store | SponsoredBrands_ProductMetadata |
SponsoredBrands_Campaign | SponsoredBrands_AdGroup |
SponsoredBrands_Keywords | SponsoredBrands_Drafts |
SponsoredBrands_StoresAssets | SponsoredBrands_NegativeKeywords |
SponsoredBrands_Targets | SponsoredBrands_NegativeTargets |
SponsoredBrands_TargetingRecommendations | SponsoredBrands_BidRecommendations |
SponsoredBrands_CampaignsReports | SponsoredBrands_PlacementCampaignsReport |
SponsoredBrands_AdGroupsReport | SponsoredBrands_KeywordsReport |
SponsoredBrands_PlacementKeywordsReport | SponsoredBrands_SearchTermKeywordsReport |
SponsoredBrands_TargetReport | SponsoredBrands_HeadlineSearchReport |
SponsoredBrands_SearchTermHeadlineSearchReport | SponsoredBrands_KeywordsVideoReport |
SponsoredBrands_AdGroupsVideoReport | SponsoredBrands_CampaignsVideoReport |
SponsoredBrands_PlacementCampaignsVideoReport | SponsoredBrands_SearchTermKeywordsVideoReport |
SponsoredBrands_PlacementKeywordsVideoReport | SponsoredBrands_TargetVideoReport |
SponsoredBrands_UnifiedAdGroupsReport | SponsoredBrands_UnifiedTargetReport |
SponsoredBrands_UnifiedKeywordsReport | SponsoredBrands_UnifiedCampaignsReport |
SponsoredBrands_UnifiedPlacementCampaignsReport | SponsoredBrands_UnifiedSearchTermKeywordsReport |
SponsoredBrands_UnifiedPlacementKeywordsReport |
Reports Mapping
The following table represents how Daton maps tables with respect to the reports you see in the Amazon Ad console interface.
Report in Ad console | Report in Daton |
Search term |
Keyword |
Keyword Placement |
Campaign |
Campaign Placement |
Search Term Impression Share | - |
Category Benchmark | - |
Attributed Purchases |
Gross And Invalid Traffic | - |
Authentication Credentials
Sponsored Brand APIs work for 'Seller' type users. Agency users and Attribution accounts will not have access to APIs
User account used for authentication must have access to Campaign Manager and all Reports
Integrate Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads with Daton
Sign in to Daton.
Select Amazon Sponsored Brand from the Connectors page.
Provide all required configuration parameters - Integration Name, Replication Frequency, History, Region/Marketplace, and Attribution lookback. The integration name would be used while creating tables in the warehouse and cannot be changed later.
You will be redirected to the Amazon Advertising login page to authorize Daton to extract data periodically. Log in with your seller account.
After authentication, you can choose from the available Amazon Advertising Accounts/ProfileIds list.
After account selection, you'll be prompted to select the Tables/APIs for replication.
Then select the required fields for each table.
Submit the integration.
Integrations would be in configuring state initially. They would be moved to the active state when selected tables are created in the warehouse.
Users would be able to edit/pause/re-activate/delete integration anytime.
Users can view job status and process logs from the integration details page by clicking on the integration name from the active list.
Known Issues
Amazon reconciles data and may update metrics for up to 30 days. If you want to use 7-day attribution metrics, select 8-day attribution offset in the configuration. Daton will repeat the report data for a given date depending on the attribution offset selected
Data would always be fetched for the previous day after 2 AM Seller time
There can be mismatches of <1% in metrics even with 30-day attribution selection in Daton
Read more on attribution - [FAQs] (
AmazonAds Data
Purpose: Retrieve all profiles associated with the Amazon Advertising account
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Profile
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Purpose: Retrieve a list of up to 100 portfolios
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Portfolio
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Purpose: List store information for all registered stores under an advertiser
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Store
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Purpose: The Amazon Product Selector API allows integrators to receive product metadata such as inventory status, price, eligibility status and product details for SKUS or ASINs in their Product Catalog in order to launch, manage or optimize Sponsored Brand, Sponsored Brands or Sponsored Display advertising campaigns. The Product Selector API is available to Sellers, Vendors, and Authors
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Product Metadata
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
eligibilityStatus | STRING |
basisPrice | RECORD |
createdDate | STRING |
imageUrl | STRING |
priceToPay | RECORD |
asin | STRING |
availability | STRING |
sku | STRING |
title | STRING |
brand | STRING |
variationList | STRING |
ineligibilityReasons | STRING |
ineligibilityCodes | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Return a list of Sponsored Brands campaigns
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Campaign
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
campaignId | STRING |
name | STRING |
budget | NUMERIC |
budgetType | STRING |
startDate | STRING |
endDate | STRING |
state | STRING |
servingStatus | STRING |
bidOptimization | BOOLEAN |
bidMultiplier | NUMERIC |
portfolioId | STRING |
creative | RECORD |
landingPage | RECORD |
brandEntityId | STRING |
bidAdjustments | RECORD |
adFormat | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Return a list of ad groups
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Ad Group
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
profileId | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
name | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Gets an array of keywords
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Keywords
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
keywordId | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
state | STRING |
bid | NUMERIC |
nativeLanguageKeyword | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Gets an array of all draft campaigns associated with the client identifier passed in the authorization header, filtered by specified criteria. Returns both product collection and video draft campaigns by default
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Drafts
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
draftCampaignId | STRING |
name | STRING |
budget | NUMERIC |
budgetType | STRING |
startDate | STRING |
endDate | STRING |
bidOptimization | BOOLEAN |
bidMultiplier | NUMERIC |
portfolioId | STRING |
creative | RECORD |
landingPage | RECORD |
tags | STRING |
brandEntityId | STRING |
bidAdjustments | RECORD |
adFormat | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: For sellers or vendors, gets an array of assets associated with the specified brand entity identifier
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Stores
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
assetId | STRING |
mediaType | STRING |
url | STRING |
name | STRING |
brandId | STRING |
brandEntityId | STRING |
brandRegistryName | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Return a list of negative ad group-level keywords
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Negative Keywords
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
keywordId | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
state | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Gets a list of product targets associated with the client identifier
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Targets
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
targetId | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
state | STRING |
bid | NUMERIC |
expressions | RECORD |
resolvedExpressions | RECORD |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Gets a list of product negative targets associated with the client identifier
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Negative Targets
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
targetId | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
state | STRING |
bid | NUMERIC |
expressions | RECORD |
resolvedExpressions | RECORD |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Gets a list of recommended products for targeting. Recommendations are based on the ASINs that are passed in the request.
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Targeting Recommendations
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
recommendedTargetAsin | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Get a list of bid recommendation objects for a specified list of keywords or products.
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Bid Recommendations
Replication Type: Full Load
Replication Key: N/A
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
fetchDate | DATE |
keywordsBidsRecommendationSuccessResults | RECORD |
keywordsBidsRecommendationErrorResults | RECORD |
targetsBidsRecommendationSuccessResults | RECORD |
targetsBidsRecommendationErrorResults | RECORD |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves campaigns performance report
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: Campaign
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignName | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
applicableBudgetRuleId | STRING |
applicableBudgetRuleName | STRING |
campaignRuleBasedBudget | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves campaigns performance report with 'placement' segmentation
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: Campaign Placement
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
placement | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
applicableBudgetRuleId | STRING |
applicableBudgetRuleName | STRING |
campaignRuleBasedBudget | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves ad-group performance report
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: None
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves keyword performance report
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: Keyword
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
keywordId | STRING |
keywordStatus | STRING |
keywordBid | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
applicableBudgetRuleId | STRING |
applicableBudgetRuleName | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
campaignRuleBasedBudget | NUMERIC |
searchTermImpressionRank | INTEGER |
searchTermImpressionShare | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves keyword performance report with 'placement' segmentation
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: Keyword Placement
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
placement | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
keywordId | STRING |
keywordStatus | STRING |
keywordBid | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
applicableBudgetRuleId | STRING |
applicableBudgetRuleName | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
campaignRuleBasedBudget | NUMERIC |
searchTermImpressionRank | INTEGER |
searchTermImpressionShare | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves keyword performance report with 'query' segmentation
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: Search term
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Please note that, for the "Search Term Keywords Report" table, the data for match type "-
" corresponds to product-targeted campaigns which is not supported by Amazon Ads API and this limitation is not an issue caused by Daton.
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
query | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
keywordId | STRING |
keywordStatus | STRING |
keywordBid | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
searchTermImpressionRank | INTEGER |
searchTermImpressionShare | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieves performance report for targets
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: None
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignName | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
targetId | STRING |
targetingExpression | STRING |
targetingType | STRING |
targetingText | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: None
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignName | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignStatus | STRING |
campaignBudget | NUMERIC |
campaignBudgetType | STRING |
adGroupName | STRING |
adGroupId | STRING |
keywordText | STRING |
keywordBid | NUMERIC |
keywordStatus | STRING |
targetId | STRING |
targetingExpression | STRING |
targetingText | STRING |
targetingType | STRING |
matchType | STRING |
impressions | INTEGER |
clicks | INTEGER |
cost | NUMERIC |
attributedDetailPageViewsClicks14d | INTEGER |
attributedSales14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSales14dSameSKU | NUMERIC |
attributedConversions14d | INTEGER |
attributedConversions14dSameSKU | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedOrdersNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedOrderRateNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrand14d | NUMERIC |
attributedSalesNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrand14d | INTEGER |
attributedUnitsOrderedNewToBrandPercentage14d | NUMERIC |
unitsSold14d | INTEGER |
dpv14d | INTEGER |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Source API Documentation: Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads - Reports
ReportName in Seller Central: None
Replication Type: Key Based Replication
Replication Key: Date
Field Name | Data Type |
RequestTime | TIMESTAMP |
profileId | STRING |
countryName | STRING |
accountName | STRING |
accountId | STRING |
reportDate | DATE |
campaignName | STRING |
campaignId | STRING |
campaignStatus |