Schema Information
This subtopic provides a structured reference to assist you in working with Daton's Pipedrive connector and the associated fields and tables.
The following is the list of tables or APIs associated with the Pipedrive connector:
Retrieve information about activities in Pipedrive, including details such as activity type, due date, and associated deals or contacts.
For more information, see Activities.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
done | BOOLEAN |
type | STRING |
subject | STRING |
company_id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
due_date | DATE |
busy_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_time | DATETIME |
marked_as_done_time | DATETIME |
org_id | NUMERIC |
person_id | NUMERIC |
deal_id | NUMERIC |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
update_time | DATETIME |
Access a list of custom fields associated with activities, providing additional details and customization options.
For more information, see ActivityFields.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
key | STRING |
name | STRING |
order_nr | NUMERIC |
field_type | STRING |
json_column_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_time | DATETIME |
update_time | DATETIME |
edit_flag | BOOLEAN |
details_visible_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_visible_flag | BOOLEAN |
important_flag | BOOLEAN |
bulk_edit_allowed | BOOLEAN |
filtering_allowed | BOOLEAN |
sortable_flag | BOOLEAN |
searchable_flag | BOOLEAN |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
mandatory_flag | BOOLEAN |
options | RECORD |
is_subfield | BOOLEAN |
parent_id | NUMERIC |
id_suffix | STRING |
Retrieve a list of activity types available in Pipedrive, offering insights into the various types of activities users can log.
For more information, see Activity_Types.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
order_nr | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
key_string | STRING |
icon_key | STRING |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
is_custom_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_time | DATETIME |
Access information on currencies used in Pipedrive, facilitating accurate representation and conversion of deal values.
For more information, see Currencies.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
code | STRING |
name | STRING |
symbol | STRING |
decimal_points | NUMERIC |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
is_custom_flag | BOOLEAN |
Retrieve details about deals in Pipedrive, including information about deal stages, associated contacts, and relevant activities.
For more information, see Deals.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
creator_user_id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
person_id | NUMERIC |
org_id | NUMERIC |
stage_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
value | NUMERIC |
currency | STRING |
add_time | DATETIME |
update_time | DATETIME |
status | STRING |
visible_to | STRING |
pipeline_id | NUMERIC |
expected_close_date | DATE |
close_time | DATETIME |
lost_time | DATETIME |
won_time | DATETIME |
Access a list of custom fields associated with deals, providing additional customization options for deal-related information.
For more information, see Deals_Fields.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
key | STRING |
name | STRING |
order_nr | NUMERIC |
field_type | STRING |
json_column_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_time | DATETIME |
edit_flag | BOOLEAN |
details_visible_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_visible_flag | BOOLEAN |
important_flag | BOOLEAN |
bulk_edit_allowed | BOOLEAN |
filtering_allowed | BOOLEAN |
sortable_flag | BOOLEAN |
searchable_flag | BOOLEAN |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
projects_detail_visible_flag | BOOLEAN |
show_in_pipelines | RECORD |
mandatory_flag | RECORD |
mandatory_flag_bl | BOOLEAN |
update_time | DATETIME |
last_updated_by_user_id | NUMERIC |
options | RECORD |
Retrieve information about files attached to items in Pipedrive, facilitating access to relevant documentation or media.
For more information, see Files.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
add_time | DATETIME |
update_time | DATETIME |
file_name | STRING |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
inline_flag | BOOLEAN |
remote_location | STRING |
remote_id | STRING |
url | STRING |
name | STRING |
file_type | STRING |
Access and manage filters used in Pipedrive to organize and categorize deals, contacts, or other items based on specific criteria.
For more information, see Filters.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
type | STRING |
user_id | NUMERIC |
add_time | DATETIME |
visible_to | STRING |
Retrieve information about notes added to items in Pipedrive, offering insights into additional context or updates.
For more information, see Notes.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
deal_id | NUMERIC |
person_id | NUMERIC |
org_id | NUMERIC |
content | STRING |
add_time | DATETIME |
update_time | DATETIME |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
pinned_to_deal_flag | BOOLEAN |
pinned_to_person_flag | BOOLEAN |
pinned_to_organization_flag | BOOLEAN |
pinned_to_lead_flag | BOOLEAN |
organization | RECORD |
person | RECORD |
deal | RECORD |
user | RECORD |
Access a list of custom fields associated with notes, providing additional customization options for note-related information.
For more information, see Note_Fields.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
key | STRING |
name | STRING |
order_nr | NUMERIC |
field_type | STRING |
json_column_flag | BOOLEAN |
add_time | DATETIME |
edit_flag | BOOLEAN |
searchable_flag | BOOLEAN |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
mandatory_flag | BOOLEAN |
options | RECORD |
Retrieve details about individuals (persons) associated with deals or contacts in Pipedrive, including contact information and associated deals.
For more information, see Persons.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
company_id | NUMERIC |
owner_id | RECORD |
org_id | RECORD |
name | STRING |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
open_deals_count | NUMERIC |
related_open_deals_count | NUMERIC |
closed_deals_count | NUMERIC |
related_closed_deals_count | NUMERIC |
participant_open_deals_count | NUMERIC |
participant_closed_deals_count | NUMERIC |
email_messages_count | NUMERIC |
activities_count | NUMERIC |
done_activities_count | NUMERIC |
undone_activities_count | NUMERIC |
files_count | NUMERIC |
notes_count | NUMERIC |
followers_count | NUMERIC |
won_deals_count | NUMERIC |
related_won_deals_count | NUMERIC |
lost_deals_count | NUMERIC |
related_lost_deals_count | NUMERIC |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
phone | RECORD |
first_char | STRING |
update_time | DATETIME |
add_time | DATETIME |
visible_to | STRING |
last_activity_id | NUMERIC |
last_activity_date | DATE |
org_name | STRING |
owner_name | STRING |
primary_email | STRING |
cc_email | STRING |
next_activity_date | DATE |
next_activity_id | NUMERIC |
Access information about organizations associated with deals or contacts in Pipedrive, including details such as organization name and associated deals.
For more information, see Organizations.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
owner_id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
active_flag | BOOLEAN |
update_time | DATETIME |
add_time | STRING |
visible_to | STRING |
address | STRING |
address_admin_area_level_1 | STRING |
address_country | STRING |
address_formatted_address | STRING |
cc_email | STRING |
address_locality | STRING |
address_postal_code | STRING |
address_admin_area_level_2 | STRING |
address_sublocality | STRING |
address_route | STRING |
address_street_number | STRING |
Last updated