Yahoo Gemini
Yahoo Gemini ETL connector for data replication
Last updated
Yahoo Gemini ETL connector for data replication
Last updated
Signin to Daton
Select Yahoogemini from Integrations page
Provide Integration Name, Replication Frequency, and History. Integration name would be used in creating tables for the integration and cannot be changed later
Provide your email and password associated with yahoo account to authorize Daton to periodically extract data from yahoogemini.
Post successful authentication, you will be prompted to choose from the list of available tables
Then select all required fields for each table
Submit the integration
Integrations would be in Pending state initially and will be moved to Active state as soon as the first job loads data successfully on to the configured warehouse
Users would be able to edit/pause/re-activate/delete integration anytime
Users can view job status and process logs from the integration details page by clicking on the integration name from the active list
Purpose: The AdvertiserService provides methods for retrieving advertiser data. An advertiser is an entity that manages campaigns in the Native Ad Platform API. It has settings such as contact information and billing details, and is able to manage campaigns and view reports for those campaigns. The Native ID you use to log in to Ad Manager can be associated with one or more advertisers.
Source API Documentation
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Purpose:The AdGroupService provides methods for creating, updating, and retrieving ad groups. An ad group is a collection of ads and targeting objects that is associated with a particular campaign. For a campaign that runs on mobile search, ad groups will also include keywords. Ad groups help you manage different contexts within your campaign, and provide them with their own default bids, flight dates, status and targeting settings.
Source API Documentation
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Purpose:The CampaignService provides methods for creating, updating, deleting and retrieving campaigns. You can also create an app install campaign if your goal is to generate app downloads.
Source API Documentation
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Purpose:The AdService provides methods for adding, updating, and retrieving ads. An ad is an assembly of creatives and other ad details, like title, description, landing page URL, display URL, and more.
Source API Documentation
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA