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Signing to Daton
Select Amazon S3 from the list of Integrations
Provide Integration Name, Replication Frequency. Integration name would be used in creating tables for the integration and cannot be changed later
Post successful authentication, you will be prompted to enter a folder path
Select the file type - Daton supports CSV and XLS formats
Enter the row number where the columns names (headers) are present.
Then select required fields for each table.
Overwrite the column names and update any data types as required
Submit the integration
Daton processed files based on modified date and appends data to the tables in the warehouse. Customers have to de-dup data based on applicable business logic.
Integrations would be in Pending state initially and will be moved to Active state as soon as the first job loads data successfully on to the configured warehouse
Users would be able to edit/pause/re-activate/delete integration anytime
Users can view job status and process logs from the integration details page by clicking on the integration name from the active list
Enter the access key and secret key in the Daton UI
Navigate to your S3 buckets where files for replication reside
Click on the Copy S3 URI button
S3 URI copied will have the following format - "s3://amazon-rpa/OutputFiles/developer/Sales and Traffic by ASIN/"
Remove the s3:// from the URL and enter the rest of the string the Daton UI.
Select the row number in the file that has the column names.
Daton expects a Header row to be present in the file.
You will get an error if the parameters entered are incorrect. Reach out to us on chat or email us at if you have any issues.
Daton expects that the files in the folder have the same format. So, pplease make sure of this before creating the integration
Daton auto-detects the schema from the folder and extracts the column names and infers the data types.
Override the Daton detected values if necessary to control the schema in the warehouse.
Daton will create the tables in the warehouse shortly and start processing data shortly after.
Amazon S3 ETL connector for data replication
Release Status
Table Selection
Column Selection
Edit Integration
Replication Type Selection
Replication Key
File Modified Date
Suggested Replication Frequency
1 hr