Schema Information
Structured details and metadata about the Recharge Payments v2 connector and its corresponding tables and fields.
List of Tables/APIs |
Purpose: This API call will display a list of all the individual items that a customer receives on a recurring basis from your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Subscriptions
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
address_id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
cancellation_reason | STRING |
cancellation_reason_comments | STRING |
cancelled_at | TIMESTAMP |
analytics_data | RECORD |
charge_interval_frequency | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
external_product_id | RECORD |
external_variant_id | RECORD |
has_queued_charges | BOOLEAN |
is_prepaid | BOOLEAN |
is_skippable | BOOLEAN |
is_swappable | BOOLEAN |
max_retries_reached | BOOLEAN |
next_charge_scheduled_at | DATE |
order_interval_frequency | NUMERIC |
order_interval_unit | STRING |
price | STRING |
product_title | STRING |
properties | RECORD |
quantity | NUMERIC |
sku | STRING |
sku_override | BOOLEAN |
status | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
variant_title | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
presentment_currency | STRING |
expire_after_specific_number_of_charges | NUMERIC |
order_day_of_month | NUMERIC |
Purpose: A charge is a transaction that was processed already or the representation of an upcoming transaction. This API call will display a list of all the financial transactions linked to the purchase of any item (past or future) on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Charges
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
address_id | NUMERIC |
billing_address | RECORD |
client_details | RECORD |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
currency | STRING |
customer | RECORD |
external_order_id | RECORD |
external_transaction_id | RECORD |
has_uncommitted_changes | BOOLEAN |
line_items | RECORD |
note | STRING |
order_attributes | RECORD |
orders_count | NUMERIC |
payment_processor | STRING |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
scheduled_at | DATE |
shipping_address | RECORD |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
status | STRING |
subtotal_price | STRING |
tags | STRING |
taxable | BOOLEAN |
total_discounts | STRING |
total_line_items_price | STRING |
total_price | STRING |
total_refunds | STRING |
total_tax | STRING |
total_weight_grams | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
tax_lines | RECORD |
taxes_included | BOOLEAN |
discounts | RECORD |
error | STRING |
error_type | STRING |
retry_date | TIMESTAMP |
Purpose: This API call will display a list of account information of all the customers in your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Customers
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
external_customer_id | RECORD |
first_charge_processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
first_name | STRING |
has_payment_method_in_dunning | BOOLEAN |
has_valid_payment_method | BOOLEAN |
hash | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
subscriptions_active_count | NUMERIC |
subscriptions_total_count | NUMERIC |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
phone | STRING |
tax_exempt | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: This API calls the data-related product discounts that can be applied to orders for customers on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Discounts
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
applies_to | RECORD |
channel_settings | RECORD |
code | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
status | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
usage_limits | RECORD |
value | STRING |
value_type | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
external_discount_id | RECORD |
external_discount_source | STRING |
starts_at | TIMESTAMP |
ends_at | TIMESTAMP |
prerequisite_subtotal_min | STRING |
Purpose: This API call will display a list of non-recurring line items on a queued charge on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Onetimes
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
address_id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
external_product_id | RECORD |
external_variant_id | RECORD |
next_charge_scheduled_at | DATE |
price | STRING |
product_title | STRING |
quantity | NUMERIC |
sku_override | BOOLEAN |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
variant_title | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
is_cancelled | BOOLEAN |
presentment_currency | STRING |
properties | RECORD |
sku | STRING |
Purpose: This API call will display all the data in accordance with a charge on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Orders
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
address_id | NUMERIC |
billing_address | RECORD |
charge | RECORD |
client_details | RECORD |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
currency | STRING |
customer | RECORD |
external_order_id | RECORD |
external_order_name | RECORD |
external_order_number | RECORD |
is_prepaid | BOOLEAN |
line_items | RECORD |
note | STRING |
processed_at | TIMESTAMP |
scheduled_at | TIMESTAMP |
shipping_address | RECORD |
shipping_lines | RECORD |
status | STRING |
subtotal_price | STRING |
tags | STRING |
taxable | BOOLEAN |
total_discounts | STRING |
total_line_items_price | STRING |
total_price | STRING |
total_refunds | STRING |
total_tax | STRING |
total_weight_grams | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: This API call will display the shipping addresses of available orders on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Address
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
customer_id | NUMERIC |
payment_method_id | NUMERIC |
address1 | STRING |
address2 | STRING |
city | STRING |
company | STRING |
country_code | STRING |
created_at | TIMESTAMP |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
phone | STRING |
province | STRING |
updated_at | TIMESTAMP |
zip | STRING |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
order_attributes | RECORD |
shipping_lines_conserved | RECORD |
presentment_currency | STRING |
discounts | RECORD |
order_note | STRING |
Purpose: This API call will display a list of all the products from the catalog on your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Products
Field Name | Data Type |
created_at | DATETIME |
discount_amount | NUMERIC |
discount_type | STRING |
handle | STRING |
id | NUMERIC |
images | RECORD |
product_id | NUMERIC |
shopify_product_id | NUMERIC |
subscription_defaults | RECORD |
title | STRING |
updated_at | DATETIME |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: This API call will display a logical list of products aka collections in your Recharge account.
Source API Documentation: Recharge Payments v2- Collections
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
created_at | DATETIME |
description | STRING |
sort_order | STRING |
title | STRING |
type | STRING |
updated_at | DATETIME |
_daton_user_id | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_runtime | NUMERIC |
_daton_batch_id | NUMERIC |
Last updated