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Purpose: This API call will display a list of all the individual items that a customer receives on a recurring basis from your Recharge account.
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Purpose: A charge is a transaction that was processed already or the representation of an upcoming transaction. This API call will display a list of all the financial transactions linked to the purchase of any item (past or future) on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display a list of account information of all the customers in your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API calls the data-related product discounts that can be applied to orders for customers on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display a list of non-recurring line items on a queued charge on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display all the data in accordance with a charge on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display the shipping addresses of available orders on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display a list of all the products from the catalog on your Recharge account.
Purpose: This API call will display a logical list of products aka collections in your Recharge account.
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