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List of Tables/APIs
Purpose: Lists all of the shop items along with their prices that are currently for sale on Kaufland Global Marketplace.
Purpose: Retrieve product data that are currently for sale on Kaufland Global Marketplace through their attribute id or names.
Purpose: Lists all of the bookings specified in a timeframe on Kaufland Global Marketplace.
Purpose: Lists all orders in the canceled state on Kaufland Global Marketplace.
Purpose: Retrieve the data of the carriers transporting a product for a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve product categories and their relationships, fields, and values that are currently listed on Kaufland Global Marketplace. Also retrieves the category id and specific search terms data for listed products.
Purpose: Lists all of the listed items along with the cheapest price of each item on Kaufland Global Marketplace.
Purpose: Lists all EANs of the Kaufland Seller, for that no or not enough product data was provided.
Purpose: Retrieve the data order invoice, order id, and invoice id data of the products listed for a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve the order units, unit id, canceled unit, and fulfillment status data of a unit listed on a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve the order details and order id of a product listed on a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieves a list of all the import files for a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieves the return units, unit id, reject unit, and fulfillment status data of a return unit for a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve the return order details and return id of a unit listed on a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Lists all of the bookings specified in a timeframe on Kaufland Global Marketplace.
Purpose: Retrieve the shipping groups data and shipping group id of a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve a list of the ticket messages or for a specific ticket for a Kaufland Seller.
Purpose: Retrieve the list of tickets and their status on a Kaufland Seller account.
Purpose: Retrieve the list of warehouses and their status on a Kaufland Seller account.
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Source API Documentation: Kaufland-