Amazon Vendor Central
Amazon Vendor Central connector from Daton is to provide all reports and raw data available from Amazon's SP-API that can be availed by registered Vendors.
How to make an Amazon Vendor Central Integration in Daton?
Log in to Daton. Or sign up.
Assuming you have configured your destination, search "Amazon Vendor Central" in the search bar and click configure on the connector that appears. If not, configure your data warehouse first. Daton supports several data destinations.
Provide Integration Name, Replication Frequency, History, and Marketplace. Integration name would be used while creating tables on the warehouse and cannot be changed later. See general guidelines if you are unsure of which option to pick.
Click the 'Authenticate' button. You will be taken to Amazon's Vendor Central login page to authorize Daton to access data from Amazon's SP-API. Allow Daton to access the required scopes and authorize the Daton app.
If you prefer to not use the primary account, you will need to give access to a set of permissions on Amazon in order to authorize Daton. Contact to learn more.
After authentication, you will be prompted to choose from the list of available tables. Select the required tables and columns.
Submit the integration. You can now view the tables being created in your data destination by the name given to your integration.
What happens next?
Click on your integration in the 'Sources' page to see the status of each table.
Click on a table to see its status. The jobs would be in pending state initially and then will be moved to Active state once data starts flowing into the destination.
Job status can be viewed at any time. You can also edit the integration to change frequency and history.
General guidelines for configuring Amazon Vendor Central Connector on Daton
Select frequency as 1 hour. This will ensure fastest replication of historical data.
Historical data replication happens in batches and it will take a few jobs for the data to be replicated up until current day
Select the duration of history based on availability of data, i.e. for the period the business has been active. If you select a larger period of history, data may be delayed as we will try to fetch data for dates where the vendor was inactive.
Reach out to for any guidance with the setup and optimization.
MonthlyVendorInventoryReportByManufacturing, MonthlyVendorInventoryReportBySourcing
Changed timestamp to UTC to avoid 400 errors.
Fixed a bug that caused less than 1% records to be pulled twice.
VendorRealTimeSalesReport, VendorRealTimeTrafficReport, VendorRealTimeInventoryReport
New tables
File upload UI
Upload csv file from the UI to access CatalogItems data.
DailyVendorInventoryReportByManufacturing, DailyVendorInventoryReportBySourcing
New tables.
New table. File upload required to add CatalogItems table.
API calls now start with 00:00
RetailProcurementOrdersStatus, MarketBasketAnalysisReport, RepeatPurchaseBehaviourReport
New tables
New Belgium marketplace added
New table
New table
Last updated
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