How to Set up an Azure One Lake Database for Integrating with Daton

This subtopic instructions and essential notes on how to set up an Azure One Lake database and configure it for integration with Daton.


To integrate One Lake, you need a Microsoft Fabric and Daton account.

Authentication Steps

Task 1: Register an Application

  1. Log in to the Azure portal.

  2. In the search bar, look for App registrations

  3. Go to App registrations and click New registration.

  4. Enter the following specifications for your application in the Register an application section and click Register.

    1. Name

    2. Select Accounts in this organizational directory only under Supported account types

  5. Make a note of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID that will appear once your application is registered. You will need them to configure Azure One Lake on Daton.

Task 2: Create your Client Secret

  1. Select the application you registered in the above Task.

  2. On the navigation menu, click Certificates & secrets and then click New Client Secret.

  3. In the Add a client secret pane, enter a Description for the client secret, set the expiry time to 730 days, and click Add.

  4. Copy the client secret that you just created. You will need it while integrating your db into Daton.

Task 3: Create workspace

  1. Log in to your Microsoft Fabric account.

  2. Click Synapse Data Engineering.

  3. Navigate through Workspaces and then click New Workspace.

  4. Enter a Name for your workspace and click Apply.

Task 4: Add service principal to the workspace

  1. Select the workspace you created in Task 3 and then click Manage Access.

  2. Click Add people or groups and specify the name of the service principal you created in Task 1.

  1. In the drop-down menu, select Contributor and click Add.

Task 5: Create Lakehouse

  1. On the navigation menu, click Create.

  2. In the Data Engineering section, locate and click Lakehouse.

  3. Provide a unique name for your lakehouse and click Create to initiate the creation process.

Following these steps will set up your Lakehouse in Azure One Lake, allowing you to manage and integrate your data effectively in Daton.

Last updated