Release Notes

Shopify ETL connector

March 2023

Tables Added

  • gift_cards

This table is exclusive for the Shopify Plus users and requires read_gift_cards scope. This scope allows access to create, retrieve, and update data of gift cards from a store. Once the scope is enabled, users must reach out to their Merchant Success Manager to enable this gift_cards API for Daton, to pull this data.

May 2022

  • The Events table which was previously failing has been fixed.

  • TIMESTAMP columns that were previously being parsed as LocalDateT previously being parsed as LocalDateTime are now being populated as a TIMESTAMP data type with information on the time zone.

  • Fulfillment details are now being populated in the Orders table.

  • Resolved issue causing integrations to pause automatically without user intervention.

January 2022

  • The inventory table NullPointerException has been fixed.

  • A fix for loading data in the warehouse has been applied.

November 2021

Fixed response codes 500,502,503 in tables.

May 2021

Added a few new tables.

February 2021

  • Meta fields have been added.

  • New UI rolled out.

  • Source level changes to mask messages for Notifications.

  • The UI has been changed.

April 2020

Source fixes to support Relational warehouses.

December 2019

Support for further APIs has been added (Not yet tested).

Further documentation for Shopify can be found here.

Last updated