Find Your Perfect Data Integration Fit - Growth and Enterprise Plans Explored

Streamline workflows, gain actionable insights, and unlock data value - all with Daton's flexible plans. Choose between Growth and Enterprise options, tailored to your unique needs and budget.

Unleash the power of your data with Daton. We offer two main subscription plan categories, Growth and Enterprise, tailor-made to fit your unique needs and budget. Optimize data integration workflows, streamline data flows, and unlock actionable insights - all with the flexibility and control you deserve. Dive into our plan options and embark on your personalized data integration journey with Daton today.

Growth and Enterprise Plan Categories

Daton offers two main subscription plan categories to cater to diverse business needs:

  • Growth Plan: The Growth Plan offers a comprehensive set of features essential for streamlined data integration workflows. It includes:

    • Flexible tier options based on your data volume requirements.

    • Unlimited connectors to integrate with all your preferred applications and data sources.

    • On-demand notifications for critical data events and potential processing delays.

    • Multiple destination options to send your integrated data to various platforms and tools.

    • Unlimited users to empower your entire team with access to data integration capabilities.

    • Dedicated account management for Growth and Business tiers, ensuring personalized support and guidance.

  • Enterprise Plan: Ideal for organizations with complex data integration needs, the Enterprise Plan offers all the features of the Growth Plan, along with additional benefits:

    • Custom row limits for tailored data processing capacity aligned with your specific needs.

    • Early access to newly developed connectors for cutting-edge data integration capabilities.

    • Saras Templates for pre-built solutions to common data integration tasks, accelerating implementation.

    • 24/7 support through multiple channels, including email, chat, and Slack, for immediate assistance and resolution of any issues.

    • Dedicated relationship manager for personalized support and expert guidance throughout your data integration journey.

Dive Deeper into Available Options

Daton Growth Plan: Monthly and Annual Tier Comparison

With two options, Monthly and Annual, you can choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget.

Monthly Plans

Annual Plans

Key Points to Consider:

  • Get 2 months FREE - when you choose the Growth - Annual plan.

  • All Growth - Monthly and Annual plans include unlimited connectors, on-demand events & alerts, data delay notifications, unlimited users, onetime setup assistance, and 24/7 email support.

  • The number of destinations increases to multiple for higher tiers of the Growth plan.

  • The level of support increases to 24/7 email and chat for the Growth plan with 5 million rows or more.

  • The price per additional row decreases as you subscribe to higher tiers.

Daton Enterprise Plan

Daton offers a specialized Enterprise plan designed to meet the unique needs of large organizations with complex data integration requirements. This plan provides several advantages over the standard Growth plans, including:

Customizable Features:

  • Custom Row Limits: Unlike Growth plans with fixed row limits, the Enterprise plan allows you to tailor the number of rows to your specific needs.

  • Early Access to New Connectors: Gain early access to new connectors and features before they become publicly available.

  • Saras Templates: Access ready-made Saras templates to automate complex data integration tasks and save time.

Enhanced Functionality:

  • Unlimited Users: Accommodate any number of users within your organization without additional fees.

  • Unlimited Destinations: Integrate your data with unlimited destinations, ensuring seamless data flow across your entire ecosystem.

  • Configuration Cloning: Easily replicate configurations across multiple environments for faster deployment and testing.

Dedicated Support:

  • Dedicated Relationship Manager: Get personalized support from a dedicated relationship manager who understands your unique needs.

  • 24/7 Email, Chat, and Slack Support: Receive immediate assistance from a team of experts via multiple channels, ensuring you're never left alone.

Enterprise Plan versus Growth Plan

Here's a table comparing the key features of the Enterprise plan with the Growth plans:

Who Should Consider the Enterprise Plan?

The Enterprise plan is ideal for organizations with:

  • Large data volumes: The custom row limits ensure your plan scales with your growing data needs.

  • Complex data integration requirements: The plan offers advanced features and tools to handle intricate data integration scenarios.

  • Multiple users and teams: The unlimited user and destination features support collaboration and data accessibility across your organization.

  • Need for dedicated support: The dedicated relationship manager and 24/7 support ensure you have the assistance you need to succeed.

How Do You Get Started with the Enterprise Plan?

Contact Daton support to discuss your specific requirements and receive a custom quote for the Enterprise plan. They will work with you to understand your needs and recommend the best solution for your organization.

The Daton Enterprise plan provides a comprehensive and scalable solution for organizations seeking to optimize their data integration processes. With its customizable features, enhanced functionality, and dedicated support, the Enterprise plan empowers you to manage your data and achieve your business objectives confidently.

Which Plan is Right for You?

The ideal plan for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. If you're unsure which plan is best for you, Daton offers a free trial so you can try out the platform and see how it works for you.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a plan:

  • Number of rows: How many rows of data do you need to integrate per month?

  • Budget: How much are you willing to spend on a data integration platform?

  • Features: Do you need additional features such as on-demand events, data delay notifications, Saras Templates, and a dedicated relationship manager?

Start Personalized Data Integration Journey with Pricing Page

Explore Daton's Pricing Page to discover the perfect plan that empowers your business with efficient and reliable data integration capabilities. With its comprehensive features, transparent pricing, and diverse plan options, Daton is committed to providing the ideal solution for your unique data needs.

Additional Notes:

  • Contact Daton support for assistance in choosing the right plan or customizing your subscription based on your specific requirements.

  • Upgrade or downgrade plans at any time as your data integration needs evolve.

  • Enjoy peace of mind with Daton's secure and reliable data integration platform.

Start your journey towards data-driven success with Daton's comprehensive data integration solutions. Visit the Pricing page today and unlock the full potential of your data.

Last updated