Insightly ETL connector for data replication
Features | Details |
Release Status | Released |
Source API Version | 2.0 |
Table Selection | Yes |
Column Selection | Yes |
Edit Integration | Yes |
Replication Type Selection | No |
Authentication Parameters | Insightly api key |
Replication Type | Full Replication Key based replication |
Replication Key | NA lastRunDate |
Suggested Replication Frequency | 24 hrs |
Tables/APIs Supported | |
ActivitySets | Notes |
Organisations | Pipelines |
PipelinesStage | Projects |
Relationships | TaskCategories |
Tasks | TeamMembers |
Teams | Users |
Contacts | Follows |
Leads | LeadStatuses |
CustomObjects | CustomFields |
ContactEvents | ContactsTasks |
ContactsLinks | ContactNotes |
NotesLinks | OrganisationsEvents |
OrganisationLinks | OrganisationsNotes |
OrganisationsTasks | TaskComments |
TaskLinks | LeadsEvents |
LeadLinks | LeadNotes |
LeadTasks | CustomObjectRecords |
Emails | EmailLinks |
Events | EventLinks |
Milestones | ProjectEvents |
ProjectLinks | ProjectMilestones |
ProjectNotes | ProjectTasks |
Integrate Insightly with Daton
Signin to Daton
Select Insightly from Integrations page
Provide Integration Name Replication Frequency and History. Integration name would be used in creating tables for the integration and cannot be changed later
Provide your Insightly api key to authorize Daton to periodically extract data from Insightly.
Post successful authentication you will be prompted to choose from the list of available tables
Then select all required fields for each table
Submit the integration.
Integrations would be in Pending state initially and will be moved to Active state as soon as the first job loads data successfully on to the configured warehouse
Users would be able to edit/pause/re-activate/delete integration anytime
Users can view job status and process logs from the integration details page by clicking on the integration name from the active list
Insightly Data
Purpose: Simple object graphs (excluding LINKS, etc.) are returned if "brief=true" is used in the query string.
Source API Documentation!/Opportunities/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
events | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
notes | RECORD |
tasks | RECORD |
historyStates | RECORD |
opportunity_id | NUMERIC |
opportunity_name | STRING |
opportunity_details | STRING |
opportunity_state | STRING |
responsible_user_id | NUMERIC |
category_id | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
bid_currency | STRING |
bid_amount | NUMERIC |
bid_type | STRING |
bid_duration | STRING |
actual_close_date | STRING |
date_creatd_utc | STRING |
date_updated_utc | STRING |
opportunity_value | NUMERIC |
probability | NUMERIC |
forecast_close_date | STRING |
onwer_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_to | STRING |
visible_team_id | STRING |
last_activity_date_utc | STRING |
next_activity_date_utc | STRING |
pipeline_id | NUMERIC |
stage_id | NUMERIC |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
organisation_id | NUMERIC |
customfields | RECORD |
tags | RECORD |
Purpose: Returns all activitySets.
Source API Documentation h!/ActivitySets/GetActivitySets
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
activityset_id | NUMERIC |
name | RECORD |
for_contacts | BOOLEAN |
for_organisations | BOOLEAN |
for_opportunities | BOOLEAN |
for_projects | BOOLEAN |
for_leads | BOOLEAN |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
activities | RECORD |
Purpose: Returns all notes.
Source-Api documentation:!/Notes/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
links | RECORD |
note_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
body | STRING |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_to | STRING |
visible_team_id | STRING |
Purpose: Returns all organizations
Source API Documentation!/Organisations/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
events | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
notes | RECORD |
tasks | RECORD |
organisation_id | NUMERIC |
organisation_name | STRING |
background | STRING |
image_url | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_to | STRING |
visible_team_id | STRING |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
last_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
next_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
phone | STRING |
phone_fax | STRING |
website | STRING |
address_billing_street | STRING |
address_billing_city | STRING |
address_billing_state | STRING |
address_billing_country | STRING |
address_billing_postcode | STRING |
address_ship_street | STRING |
address_ship_city | STRING |
address_ship_state | STRING |
address_ship_postcode | STRING |
address_ship_country | STRING |
social_linkedin | STRING |
social_facebook | STRING |
social_twitter | STRING |
email_domain | STRING |
customfields | RECORD |
tags | RECORD |
dates | RECORD |
emaildomains | RECORD |
Purpose: This read only endpoint returns a list of pipelines that have been set up for the Insightly instance. Pipelines can be defined for both projects and opportunities, and are used to track the progression of projects and opportunities. To create and update pipelines, you'll need to go to the web app (API access is read-only).
Source API Documentation!/Pipelines/GetPipelines
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
pipeline_id | NUMERIC |
pipeline_name | STRING |
for_opportunies | BOOLEAN |
for_projects | BOOLEAN |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Pipeline stages are used to indicate where a project or opportunity is in terms of its progression. For example, stage 1 for the sales pipeline might be "initial contact", while stage 4 might be "generating quote". The API for pipeline stages is read only, so to create or update pipeline stages, you'll need to use the web app to do so.
Source API Documentation!/PipelineStages/GetPipelineStages
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
stage_id | NUMERIC |
pipeline_id | NUMERIC |
stage_name | STRING |
stage_order | NUMERIC |
activityset_id | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Returns a list of Projects.
Source API Documentation!/Projects/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
events | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
milestones | RECORD |
notes | RECORD |
tasks | RECORD |
project_id | NUMERIC |
project_name | STRING |
status | STRING |
project_details | STRING |
started_date | TIMESTAMP |
completed_date | TIMESTAMP |
opportunity_id | STRING |
category_id | STRING |
pipeline_id | NUMERIC |
stage_id | NUMERIC |
img_url | STRING |
visible_to | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
last_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
next_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
responsible_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_team_id | STRING |
custom_fields | RECORD |
tags | RECORD |
Purpose: Relationships enable users to define how one Insightly object is related to another. For example: contact A is a customer of contact B. The API only supports read access to relationships, to create or update relationships, you'll need to do so via the web app.
Source API Documentation!/Relationships/GetRelationships
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
relationship_id | NUMERIC |
forward_title | STRING |
forward | STRING |
reverse_title | STRING |
reverse | STRING |
for_contacts | BOOLEAN |
for_organisation | BOOLEAN |
Purpose: This read only endpoint returns a list of the task categories set up for the Insightly instance.
Source API Documentation!/TaskCategories/GetTaskCategories
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
category_id | NUMERIC |
category_name | STRING |
active | BOOLEAN |
background_color | STRING |
Purpose: Returns a list of the task set up for the Insightly instance.
Source API Documentation!/Tasks/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
comments | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
task_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
category_id | NUMERIC |
due_date | TIMESTAMP |
completed_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
completed | BOOLEAN |
details | STRING |
status | STRING |
priority | NUMERIC |
percent_complete | NUMERIC |
start_date | TIMESTAMP |
milestone_id | STRING |
pubilcly_visible | BOOLEAN |
responsible_user_id | NUMERIC |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
email_id | STRING |
project_id | STRING |
remainder_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
remainder_sent | BOOLEAN |
owner_visible | BOOLEAN |
stage_id | STRING |
assigned_by_user_id | STRING |
parent_task_id | STRING |
recurrence | STRING |
opportunity_id | STRING |
assigned_team_id | STRING |
assigned_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
customfields | RECORD |
Purpose: Returns a list of the TeamMembers those are present in a team.
Source API Documentation!/TeamMembers/GetTeamMembers
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
permission_id | NUMERIC |
team_id | NUMERIC |
member_user_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Anonymous Team which are created by the system when you set a record permission visible to Individuals
Source API Documentation!/Teams/GetTeams
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
team_id | NUMERIC |
team_name | STRING |
anonymous_team | BOOLEAN |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
teammembers | RECORD |
Purpose: when you want to assign a task to a specific user (do not confuse the USER_ID with their CONTACT_ID). To filter with a field name and value, both field_name and field_value parameters must be provided.
Source API Documentation!/Users/GetUsers
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
user_id | NUMERIC |
contact_id | NUMERIC |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
timezone_id | STRING |
email_address | STRING |
email_dropbox_identifier | STRING |
email_dropbox_address | STRING |
administrator | BOOLEAN |
account_owner | BOOLEAN |
active | BOOLEAN |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
user_currency | STRING |
contact_display | STRING |
contact_order | STRING |
team_week_start | NUMERIC |
instance_id | NUMERIC |
profile_id | NUMERIC |
role_id | NUMERIC |
Purpose: Retrieve all Contacts.
Source API Documentation!/Contacts/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
notes | RECORD |
events | RECORD |
tasks | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
contact_id | NUMERIC |
salutation | STRING |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
img_url | STRING |
background | STRING |
visible_to | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_tean_id | STRING |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
social_linkedin | STRING |
social_facebook | STRING |
social_twitter | STRING |
date_of_birth | TIMESTAMP |
phone | STRING |
phone_home | STRING |
phone_mobile | STRING |
phone_other | STRING |
phone_assistant | STRING |
phone_fax | STRING |
email_address | STRING |
assitant_name | STRING |
address_mail_street | STRING |
address_mail_city | STRING |
address_mail_state | STRING |
address_mail_postcode | STRING |
address_mail_country | STRING |
address_other_street | STRING |
address_other_city | STRING |
address_other_state | STRING |
address_other_postcode | STRING |
address_other_country | STRING |
last_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
next_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
organisation_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
email_opted_out | BOOLEAN |
customfields | RECORD |
tags | RECORD |
dates | RECORD |
Purpose: Returns all lists of Leads.
Source API Documentation!/Leads/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
events | RECORD |
links | RECORD |
notes | RECORD |
tasks | RECORD |
lead_id | NUMERIC |
salutation | STRING |
first_name | STRING |
last_name | STRING |
lead_source_id | NUMERIC |
lead_status_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
converted | BOOLEAN |
converted_contact_id | STRING |
converted_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
converted_opportunity_id | STRING |
converted_organistion_id | STRING |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
employee_count | NUMERIC |
fax | STRING |
industry | STRING |
lead_description | STRING |
lead_rating | STRING |
mobile | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
phone | STRING |
responbile_user_id | STRING |
website | STRING |
address_street | STRING |
address_city | STRING |
address_state | STRING |
address_postcode | STRING |
address_country | STRING |
last_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
next_activity_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
visible_to | STRING |
visible_team_id | STRING |
organisation_name | STRING |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
img_url | STRING |
email_opted_out | BOOLEAN |
customfields | RECORD |
tags | RECORD |
Purpose:Returns all list of Emails.
Source API Documentation!/Emails/GetEntities
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
links | RECORD |
email_to | STRING |
email_cc | STRING |
email_id | NUMERIC |
email_from | STRING |
subject | STRING |
email_date_utc | STRING |
format | STRING |
size | NUMERIC |
visible_to | STRING |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
visible_team_id | STRING |
date_created_utc | STRING |
queued_send_date_utc | STRING |
created_user_id | NUMERIC |
tags | RECORD |
Purpose:Retrieve all events
Source API Documentation!/Events/GetEntities
Replication: Key-Based Replication
Replication Key: lastRunDate
Name | Target Datatype |
links | RECORD |
event_id | NUMERIC |
title | STRING |
location | STRING |
start_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
end_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
all_day | BOOLEAN |
details | STRING |
date_created_utc | TIMESTAMP |
date_updated_utc | TIMESTAMP |
remainder_date_utc | TIMESTAMP |
remainder_sent | BOOLEAN |
owner_user_id | NUMERIC |
customfields | RECORD |
Purpose:Returns categories of a project.
Source API Documentation!/ProjectCategories/GetProjectCategories
Replication: Full Replication
Replication Key: NA
Name | Target Datatype |
category_id | NUMERIC |
category_name | STRING |
active | BOOLEAN |
background_color | STRING |
Last updated