Schema Information
This subtopic provides a structured reference to assist you in working with Daton's Mercado Libre connector and the associated fields and tables.
The following is the list of tables or APIs associated with the Mercado Libre connector:
The ad metrics API provides metrics and analytics related to advertisements.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- ad_metrics.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | STRING |
clicks | NUMERIC |
impressions | NUMERIC |
cost | NUMERIC |
cpc | NUMERIC |
ctr | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_direct | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_indirect | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_total | NUMERIC |
amount_direct | NUMERIC |
amount_indirect | NUMERIC |
amount_total | NUMERIC |
advertising_fee | NUMERIC |
organic_orders_quantity | NUMERIC |
share | NUMERIC |
sold_items_quantity_direct | NUMERIC |
sold_items_quantity_indirect | NUMERIC |
sold_items_conversion | NUMERIC |
organic_sold_items_quantity | NUMERIC |
amount_indirect_usd | NUMERIC |
Deals with the management and retrieval of advertisement-related data, allowing you to create, update, or retrieve ads.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- ads.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | STRING |
campaign_id | NUMERIC |
user_id | NUMERIC |
site_id | STRING |
cpc | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
title | STRING |
price | NUMERIC |
currency_id | STRING |
permalink | STRING |
thumbnail | STRING |
picture_id | STRING |
channel | STRING |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
This API is similar to ad metrics, but specifically focused on campaign-level metrics for advertising efforts.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- campaign_metrics.
Field Name | Data Type |
clicks | NUMERIC |
impressions | NUMERIC |
ctr | NUMERIC |
cpc | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_direct | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_indirect | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity_total | NUMERIC |
amount_direct | NUMERIC |
amount_indirect | NUMERIC |
amount_total | NUMERIC |
advertising_fee | NUMERIC |
share | NUMERIC |
sold_items_quantity_direct | NUMERIC |
sold_items_quantity_indirect | NUMERIC |
Involves the management of advertising campaigns, allowing you to create, update, or retrieve information about advertising campaigns.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- campaigns.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | NUMERIC |
name | STRING |
user_id | NUMERIC |
type | STRING |
status | STRING |
advertiser_id | NUMERIC |
budget | NUMERIC |
official_store_id | STRING |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
target_take_rate | NUMERIC |
acos_top_modifier | NUMERIC |
bidding_strategy | STRING |
channel | STRING |
Handles the management and retrieval of inventory items, including details like product descriptions, quantities, and prices.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- inventory_items.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | STRING |
site_id | STRING |
title | STRING |
seller_id | NUMERIC |
category_id | STRING |
official_store_id | NUMERIC |
price | NUMERIC |
base_price | NUMERIC |
currency_id | STRING |
initial_quantity | NUMERIC |
available_quantity | NUMERIC |
sold_quantity | NUMERIC |
sale_terms | RECORD |
buying_mode | STRING |
listing_type_id | STRING |
start_time | TIMESTAMP |
stop_time | TIMESTAMP |
end_time | TIMESTAMP |
expiration_time | TIMESTAMP |
condition | STRING |
permalink | STRING |
thumbnail_id | STRING |
thumbnail | STRING |
secure_thumbnail | STRING |
pictures | RECORD |
accepts_mercadopago | BOOLEAN |
shipping | RECORD |
international_delivery_mode | STRING |
seller_address | RECORD |
geolocation | RECORD |
attributes | RECORD |
listing_source | STRING |
variations | RECORD |
status | STRING |
tags | STRING |
warranty | STRING |
domain_id | STRING |
automatic_relist | BOOLEAN |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
health | NUMERIC |
catalog_listing | BOOLEAN |
channels | STRING |
Provides functionality to manage and retrieve information related to customer orders, including order details, status, and shipping information.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- orders.
Field Name | Data Type |
payments | RECORD |
fulfilled | BOOLEAN |
expiration_date | TIMESTAMP |
shipping | RECORD |
date_closed | TIMESTAMP |
id | NUMERIC |
order_items | RECORD |
date_last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
coupon | RECORD |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
tags | STRING |
buyer | RECORD |
seller | RECORD |
total_amount | NUMERIC |
paid_amount | NUMERIC |
mediations | RECORD |
currency_id | STRING |
status | STRING |
cancel_detail | RECORD |
context | RECORD |
This API involves the creation and management of promotions offered by sellers to attract customers.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- seller_promotions.
Field Name | Data Type |
id | STRING |
type | STRING |
status | STRING |
start_date | TIMESTAMP |
finish_date | TIMESTAMP |
deadline_date | TIMESTAMP |
name | STRING |
benefits | RECORD |
The Shipment API deals with the logistics and shipment information associated with orders, providing details on delivery status, tracking, etc.
For more information, see Mercado Libre- shipments.
Field Name | Data Type |
snapshot_packing | RECORD |
receiver_id | NUMERIC |
base_cost | NUMERIC |
status_history | RECORD |
type | STRING |
sender_id | NUMERIC |
mode | STRING |
order_cost | NUMERIC |
service_id | NUMERIC |
shipping_items | RECORD |
tracking_number | STRING |
cost_components | RECORD |
id | NUMERIC |
tracking_method | STRING |
last_updated | TIMESTAMP |
date_created | TIMESTAMP |
date_first_printed | TIMESTAMP |
created_by | STRING |
shipping_option | RECORD |
sender_address | RECORD |
site_id | STRING |
market_place | STRING |
receiver_address | RECORD |
order_id | NUMERIC |
status | STRING |
logistic_type | STRING |
Last updated