Integration Details
Integration details page displays job level details for a specific integration.
Top Section
The top section displays overall integration level attributes such as -
Status - Integration status
Destination - Destination warehouse
Time Period - Specifies the time period of the integration when it was active. End date for integrations will be last job date, it will be the corresponding date for paused and deleted integrations
Number of Jobs - The number number of jobs executed for the integration since the date of creation
Rows Processed - The total number of rows/records processed in the integration since the date of creation
Average Job Time - Historical average time of the jobs in minutes
Bottom Section
The bottom section has the following tabs -
Pipeline Jobs
Displays the details for each job along with a link for a detailed job. The list is displayed based on the log retention policy for the selected subscription. It has the following attributes -
Job Id - Internal Daton job id
Table Name - Each job id corresponds to a specific table. If an integration has multiple tables then multiple job ids would be created and executed for each load
Job Start Time - Time when the extract is initiated
Job End Time - Time when the data is loaded in the warehouse
Job Status - Specifies whether the job was successful or a failure
Rows Processed - Number of rows processed for the table or job in a load
Time Taken - Time taken for the job in minutes
Next Scheduled Job - Time of next job based on the configured frequency
Detailed Log - Detailed job log with error messages if any and user actions to resolve them
Tables & Fields
This section displays the list of tables configured in the integration and in turn, fields with in each table. Users would be able to reload a specific table in the integration by clicking the reload button against a specific table.
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