
The September 2023 release enhances the performance of existing connectors, adds new connector support, and continues helping businesses optimize analytics and make data-driven decisions.

Here are the sections included in the release notes:

Connector Enhancements

1. Amazon Sponsored Products

On September 7, 2023, we upgraded all Amazon Sponsored Products raw tables to the latest v3 version.

  • Key Changes and Enhancements:

    • Columns' syntax modified: The syntax of a few columns has been changed from lowercase to uppercase. To ensure seamless integration, update any downstream queries affected by these column name changes. For more information, see Enum casing.

    • SponsoredProducts_KeywordBidRecommendations table: This table was phased out on September 30, 2023. SponsoredProducts_ThemeBasedBidRecommendations is the replacement table. Migrate to the replacement table and make any necessary changes to your downstream procedures.

    • Store Insights table: This new table provides detailed information about the store's performance, including metrics for traffic, orders, views, and sales.

    • Keyword Bid Recommendation table: The data in this table is now organized by each group ID.

  • Enhancements in Sponsored Products Raw Tables: To increase data richness, the following columns have been added:

    • The ProductMetadata table now includes bestSellerRank and category data.

    • The Campaign and CampaignEx tables now provide dynamicBidding data.

    • The following data is now loaded into extended tables (CampaignEx, AdGroupEx, BiddableKeywordsEx, NegativeKeywordEx, CampaignNegativeKeywordEx, ProductAdEx, TargetingClauseEx):

      • servingStatus

      • servingStatusDetails

      • creationDateTime

      • lastUpdateDateTime

2. Amazon Sponsored Brands Connector (v4)

On September 18, 2023, we upgraded the Amazon Sponsored Brands campaign and ad group raw tables to the v4 version.

  • Key Changes and Enhancements:

    • All enums are now in uppercase to ensure data consistency. For example, the "state" column, which was previously displayed as "paused," will now be displayed as "PAUSED." To avoid any disruptions or excessive data loading, update your downstream queries.

    • The v4 now supports multi-ad group campaigns previously unavailable in the v3 endpoint.

    • The addition of new columns to the raw tables of campaigns and ad groups provides more comprehensive insights into your advertising efforts.

      • Campaigns:

        • bidding.bidAdjustmentsByPlacement (percentage & placement)

        • bidding.bidAdjustmentsByShopperSegment (percentage & placement)

        • costType

        • extendedData.creationDate

        • extendedData.lastUpdateDate

        • extendedData.servingStatus

        • extendedData.servingStatusDetails

        • goal

        • isMultiAdGroupsEnabled

        • productLocation

        • ruleBasedBudget

        • ruleBasedBudget.applicableRuleId

        • ruleBasedBudget.applicableRuleName

        • ruleBasedBudget.isProcessing

        • ruleBasedBudget.value

        • smartDefault

        • tags

        • bidding.bidOptimizationStrategy

        • Ad Group:

          • state

          • servingStatus

          • servingStatusDetails

          • lastUpdateDate

          • creationDate

      • The Sponsored Brands Campaigns raw table has had multiple columns removed. Null values for these columns will be loaded to ensure the seamless operation of existing integrations. The columns that have been removed are as follows:

        • bidAdjustments (replaced by bidding.bidAdjustmentsByPlacement & bidding.bidAdjustmentsByShopperSegment).

        • bidAdjustments.bidAdjustmentPercent

        • bidAdjustments.bidAdjustmentPredicate

        • adFormat

        • creative

        • creative.asins

        • creative.brandLogoAssetID

        • creative.brandLogoUrl

        • creative.brandName

        • creative.headline

        • creative.shouldOptimizeAsins

        • landingPage

        • landingPage.pageType

        • landingPage.url

        • bidMultiplier

3. Shiphero

The following updates have been added to this connector:

  • Line_Items and location columns in Purchase-Orders table

  • Order_holds in the columns Orders table

  • New tables: Tote_History and Packs_Per_day

4. Bug Fixes and Enhancements:

  • The future fetch date loading issues in some Amazon Ads tables have been fixed.

  • Walmart connector stability has been improved through minor fixes.

New Connectors

New ConnectorDescriptionRelated Documentument


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Last updated