
  • KPIs comparison with selected period (current/last day/month/year) with previous period: helps with quick spotting of abnormal movement in critical KPI related to Website

  • Bounce KPIs: helps to identify which landing pages are performing

  • Conversion Rate KPIs : helps to quickly compare landing page performance w.r.t conversion rate

Trend Charts

  • Shopping Funnel Trend : ratio of users flow from previous stage to next stage in shopping behaviour using trends lines helps to monitor growth in shopping behaviour of users over the period of time

  • Sessions – Product Views trend: how many sessions have product views and whether the numbers are varying when certain UI changes are made on website

  • Product Views – Add-to-Cart trend: how many add-to-cart occurrences are happening and how is the trend varying overtime

  • Add-to-Cart - Checkout trend: cart abandonment vs cart conversion over a period of time

  • Checkout Conversion: percentage of sessions entering checkout process with a successful transaction to monitor spillage in critical steps

  • Device/Browser based Performance : how are the various device categories performing w.r.t session generation, engagement and conversion

Last updated