Amazon Suite - Installation Steps

Go to Skills page to verify list of apps installed. Click on Store button to load Halo store page. On Halo store page, you can see all available skills.

Click on Amazon Reports Suite skill and Detail page will be loaded for app with Install option. Click on Install / Buy and enter correct billing details

Please integrate amazon apps in below given order:

  1. Amazon MWS - Amazon seller ID and authentication token will be needed for this step. (Explained in prerequisite steps)

  2. Amazon Sponsored Brands – Users will be redirected to Amazon seller central page and will be required to enter credentials. User need to select active ad accounts on second step and finish

3. Amazon Sponsored Product - Users will be redirected to Amazon seller central page and will be required to enter credentials. User need to select active ad accounts on second step and finish(same as Amazon Sponsored Brands)

4. Amazon Sponsored Display – Users will be redirected to Amazon seller central page and will be required to enter credentials. User need to select active ad accounts on second step. Tactics to be selected as T00020(Product targeting) and T00030(audience targeting) on third step

5. Amazon ads – No input required here

6. Amazon business report

Click on Accept button on step 1. On step 2, select Do it yourself option and add details as explained below:

Click on Allow access button

Seller name as defined on Amazon seller central (highlighted below ) and Marketplace

Please ensure email Id used in this step will have all required permissions highlighted on previous pre-requisite page.

7. Amazon consolidated – No input required here

8. Send email to with subject id 'Amazon suite integration completed'

Last updated