
  • KPIs comparison with selected period (current/last day/month/year) with previous period: helps with quick spotting of abnormal movement in critical KPI related to product aspect

  • Category table: contribution of each of the category/sub-category/collection/product and aggregation for measuring performance across each of the KPIs (Possible to toggle the aggregation of category/sub-category/collection/product levels similar to a pivot)

Attribute Performance: Contribution of the attribute type, category name, sub category name, product name and product image.

Product Performance W.R.T Size: Contribution of the size, product name, product images for each of the product with units, orders, revenue share.

  • Product Segments table: custom definition for each of the products as per their historic contribution to certain KPIs (Revenue, ATC, Checkout etc); segment definitions are available in data dictionary

  • Revenue Vs Revenue per Impressions: whether the Revenue is moving due to increased number of Revenue Per Impressions.

  • Orders Vs AOV trend: whether the Transactions is moving due to increased AOV.

  • Impressions Vs CTR: monitor the correlation of Impressions to CTR.

  • Product Views Vs Cart to Detail Rate: to study the co-movement of Product Views to Cart to Detail Rate.

  • Add to Cart Vs Cart to Buy rate: to study the co-movement of Add to cart To Cart to Buy rate.

  • Cart to Detail Rate Vs Buy to Detail rate: to study the co-movement of Cart to Detail Rate To Buy to Detail Rate.

Last updated