My Account Page
Account management in Daton for the most part comprises of managing users and passwords. Once a user signs up to Daton, they will be able to get their pipeline up and running in no time.
Type of Users
Admin User
The first user who signs up for Daton is always the admin user. Admin user has the following capabilities
Add or remove additional users
Set certain global preferences which other users will not be able to modify
Set personal preferences that govern notification delivery
Make other users admin users
Pay for a subscription and upgrade a subscription
Add, modify or remove source integrations and destination
Modify account password
We don't enforce any cap on the number of users that can be added to a single account. Any user in the system can configure data sources and destination.
**Currently, we only support a single admin user. What happens when the admin leaves?** **What can admin users do vs Regular users do?**
Regular Users
Regular users only get access to an existing Daton account when an admin user adds them to the account using their email. Email is considered as the username in Daton. Upon signing up, the regular user now has the following capabilities
Set personal preferences that govern notification delivery
Add, modify or remove source integrations and destination
Regular users have access to all sources and destination.
**They are allowed to make changes to sources added by other users, including the admin user.**
Modify account password
Changing your password
To change your Daton password, simply follow:
Navigate to My Account > Personal Details
Click the Change Password button
An email will be sent to the registered email with a link to reset the password. Click on the link and follow the instructions to change the password.
If you've forgotten your password, click the "Forgot your password?" link on
Managing Users
Only an admin user can invite or deactivate users from an account.
To invite a user
Go to My Account > Access Request section
Enter first name, last name, and email and hit the submit button.
An invitation will go out to the user.
To deactivate a user
Go to My Account > Current Users section and
Click on the Remove User button.
There are some emails you will receive regardless of your preferences. These include critical system emails, user management emails, and others.
Cancelling Your Account
At this point in time, users will not be able to cancel their account directly from the user interface. Please send us an email at to cancel your subscription. In order to prevent any additional billing while we process your request, please pause or delete all integrations before sending us an email. We will process all account cancellations within 24 hours.
Last updated
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